A downloadable game for Windows


The user bears all responsibility of downloading and executing shady .exes from itch, I will not be held accountable for your poor judgement.

That said in all honestly this is just a quick fun randomly generated golf game that I couldn't be bothered to translate into a more reasonable format. But I hope it brings whoever runs it joy <3.

It may run on non-windows I haven't tested, it may also pull up your firewall which you may disable at your own discretion (Once again not advice on shady internet files)

UPDATE: Heyo, I pushed a little update becuse I realised a few improvements and more importantly thought I should release the source code for clarity (to prove I'm not doing anything bad here). Anyhow, enjoy golf.exe


golf.exe 6.6 MB
golf_Pycode.zip 5.3 MB
main.py 7.6 kB

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